"Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. Be as wary as snakes and harmless as doves." New Living Translation

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Uganda Christian University

On Thursday we traveled in a minibus-taxi, packed in like sardines for 2 hours to a place called Mukono. For most of the 20th Century this was the home to Bishop Tucker College, a theological college named after one of the early CMS Bishops in Uganda, where ordinands were trained for service in the Church of Uganda. In 1997 the Church of Uganda decided to apply for University status and began to offer courses in subjects other than theology. Now, almost ten years on, Uganda Christian University has 5,000 students instead of 120 and the place feels very much more than a theological college. George's eyes were virtually popping out on stalks!

We spent the day with some of the faculty hearing about their growth their vision and their students. All the faculty are Christians and the majority of the students are too. The students have to pay $1,000 per annum for fees, accommodation and full board. By Ugandan economics this is similar to the cost of tertiary education in the USA - the difference being that loans are not as readily available over here.

George preached at the lunchtime service and we received a warm welcome. We spent final hour or so wandering around the grounds, chatting to folk and having a soda on probably the hottest day so far.

Mukono still trains people for ministry in the Church of Uganda. They are hoping to increase their numbers from 120 to 300 over the next few years.

I think we all left thinking that our time with UCU had been informative rather than formative, unlike the rest of the week.

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Context Based Training

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REVOLUTION NOT EVOLUTION! BS10 (Brentry and Henbury) Context Profile In BS10 we are asking the question, “What does it mean to be a Missional Community?” Through Prayer, Theological reflection, Worship and Action we in the power of the Holy Spirit, are trying to answer that question as we are seeking to transform every aspect of church life from a traditional maintenance-based model to a missional faith community. We work Contextually, by which we mean that we are listening hard to the voice of the culture in which we live, and Incarnationally, which means listening to the eternal voice of the Living God who calls people into community to worship and to make real the promises of the Kingdom. These provide merely an outline or overview of the work we have been doing since September 2006. The BS10 area, offers significant opportunities to be a part of a church community that is radically reshaping and reforming what it means to be church. It is definitively a work in progress and not for the faint-hearted! Nevertheless we’d encourage anyone exploring the idea of CBT to think about sharing this unique experience. Hands on? Yes - Challenging? Absolutely! Up for it? Over to you