"Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. Be as wary as snakes and harmless as doves." New Living Translation

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Visiting the Schools

Today we visited a primary school in Kampala. As soon as we set foot on the playground the children crowded around us and wanted to shake our hands. They were very excited and we really enjoyed meeting them! Groups of us then split-up and spent time with different classes outiside under trees. We introduced ourselves to the children, sang songs with them, did dramas and generally tried to give the children a fun time! They participated really well and there was much laughter. I (Hannah) was attacked by a spikey catipillar half-way through the session but lived to tell the tale! Tom tried to climb a tree whilst pretending to be Zachaeus.

Soon after we visited another school which was different in comparison. This was a slum school where we were welcomed by the children who sat tightly in a tin-roof shed. The level of health and hygiene was poor in contrast to our schools in the UK. We introduced oursleves to the children who sang a song for us and Vicky, Sudarshan and Andrew spoke a few words to the children. We spent time meeting the children who mobbed us! We then travelled back to the guest house along the dusty and bumpy roads.

During the evening we attended an Ash Wednesday service at the All Saints Cathedral, Kampala. The service was popular among the local people of Uganda. Bishop Zac preached, we later met with him and found out about his vision for the church of Uganda and he gave us advice on ministry in the UK.

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Context Based Training

Please visit us at Brentry Church or contact us through Trinity heological College, Bristol to learn about the exciting things that are happening here. The adventurous journey God is taking us through is encouraging and helps us to lean on our maker for our ministry!

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REVOLUTION NOT EVOLUTION! BS10 (Brentry and Henbury) Context Profile In BS10 we are asking the question, “What does it mean to be a Missional Community?” Through Prayer, Theological reflection, Worship and Action we in the power of the Holy Spirit, are trying to answer that question as we are seeking to transform every aspect of church life from a traditional maintenance-based model to a missional faith community. We work Contextually, by which we mean that we are listening hard to the voice of the culture in which we live, and Incarnationally, which means listening to the eternal voice of the Living God who calls people into community to worship and to make real the promises of the Kingdom. These provide merely an outline or overview of the work we have been doing since September 2006. The BS10 area, offers significant opportunities to be a part of a church community that is radically reshaping and reforming what it means to be church. It is definitively a work in progress and not for the faint-hearted! Nevertheless we’d encourage anyone exploring the idea of CBT to think about sharing this unique experience. Hands on? Yes - Challenging? Absolutely! Up for it? Over to you