"Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. Be as wary as snakes and harmless as doves." New Living Translation

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Visit to Mbale

Following a bumpy and hot five hour trip to Mbale we had the privilege of seeing the work of ACET (AIDS Care Education & Training)in the locality. We enjoyed a comprehensive presentation of their work at their offices including some excellent educational materials that they use in schools. They also gave us Uganda's best samosas.

First stop was a school, similar to the slum schools of Kampala but with more space. A fantastic welcome, as ever, and an introduction by a well motivated teacher who explained the partnership with ACET. Essentially, ACET's schools work revolves aropund life skills education focusing on AIDS/HIV prevention and general sex education. This class of 10-12 year olds then presented some riddles, poems and songs that they had learnt about HIV. Their level of embarrassment was low and their knowledge about HIV was high which was a real credit to both the male and female member of staff that ACET trains in each school to deliver their programme.

Next up was an entirely different project, a drinking club in a remote village. A striking contrast to Kampala, in the middle of denser vegetation including coffee plants and the ubiquitous banana trees. Upon arrival we were warmly greeted by the village and the women were wailing in that high pitched African style that you may have heard in films. About seven men and women sat supping from an earthenware pot with lengthy bamboo like straws, quite a sight. The millet based alcoholic drink was regularly topped up for the locals. The rest of the village surrounded us and the Chair of the drinking club spoke of his partnership with ACET. He explained how people would get very drunk and then have sex carelessly thus spreading the deadly virus. ACET's teaching of them at the drinking club, where they have a captive audience, had encouraged them not to get drunk and had educated them about the risks that cause the transmission of HIV. We questioned some folk and it was good to see a correlation between what ACET were telling us and what the punters were saying, this seemed to be a great project, many of the people had now been tested for HIV too. Another encouragement was the level of people in nearby communities who had become Christians and left the drinking clubs behind.

It was a super trip where we got to see a very different side to Uganda and learn about the encouraging work of ACET.

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Context Based Training

Please visit us at Brentry Church or contact us through Trinity heological College, Bristol to learn about the exciting things that are happening here. The adventurous journey God is taking us through is encouraging and helps us to lean on our maker for our ministry!

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REVOLUTION NOT EVOLUTION! BS10 (Brentry and Henbury) Context Profile In BS10 we are asking the question, “What does it mean to be a Missional Community?” Through Prayer, Theological reflection, Worship and Action we in the power of the Holy Spirit, are trying to answer that question as we are seeking to transform every aspect of church life from a traditional maintenance-based model to a missional faith community. We work Contextually, by which we mean that we are listening hard to the voice of the culture in which we live, and Incarnationally, which means listening to the eternal voice of the Living God who calls people into community to worship and to make real the promises of the Kingdom. These provide merely an outline or overview of the work we have been doing since September 2006. The BS10 area, offers significant opportunities to be a part of a church community that is radically reshaping and reforming what it means to be church. It is definitively a work in progress and not for the faint-hearted! Nevertheless we’d encourage anyone exploring the idea of CBT to think about sharing this unique experience. Hands on? Yes - Challenging? Absolutely! Up for it? Over to you